Troy Sornson

Mathematician, Programmer, Gentleman

Who Am I

I'm currently employed at Salesforce, at the office located in Louiseville, CO. As of May 2015, I have my Masters in Computer Science from Colorado School of Mines, with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the same school. My past and current work experience can be found on my LinkedIn account and my past personal programming projects I've done at my github account.

If you wish to reach me, feel free to do so at

Proficient Technologies

Here's a list skills and technologies that I've picked up through my life:

Programming Languages

  • Java
  • C++
  • C
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • PHP
  • SQL


  • Artificial Intelligence (particularily Artifical Nueral Networks)
  • Grammar Parsers
  • Parallel and Distributed computing (Using MPI)
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing
  • Website building (minus design - I'm not design)
  • Computer Graphics (OpenGL)
  • Advanced Algorithms (more of a hobby)